

Have you ever had the Lord lay a particular verse on your heart? It happens to me often, but this morning I have no doubt that God was preparing me for my day. I was going to my kitchen to get coffee and begin my quiet time, and I was talking to the Lord when the verse in Phillipians came to mind: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. I was sort of dreading going in today because I was gone Monday and Tuesday traveling and knew that it was going to be extremely busy for me today. When I went to do my bible study for today, guess what...the verse from Phillipians was a part of my quiet time. I knew that God was telling me something.

My quiet time was about worry. How often are we consumed with worry? I know it is often. I used to worry all the time about everything when I was younger. Now, I really make effort to not worry so much and give God complete control. It is so hard to do when you do not know the outcome of something. What will all the worry accomplish? Honestly, it will accomplish nothing. All it will do is make things worse for you. What in your life do you need to give completely to God. Take your worries and requests to God. He will never fail you.

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