

One of the first things I noticed about Nashville is that people can not drive around curves. On my way to work in the morning, I drive up 65 and it usually begins around Exit 71. The first big curve comes and everyone basically comes to a stop before going around it. Then they speed up to go staight for a little bit...then stop again around the next curve. Then...you guessed it...at the next exit there is a "s" curve and guess what...they slow almost to a stop to drive around it too, but speed up to go straight in between them. It drives me crazy because if everyone would take their time, pay attention and coast around it, traffic would flow much smoother.

Last week I was thinking about this odd phenominum when I began thinking that this is a lot like life. When a curve in life comes, people get upset and almost slow to a stop causing multiple accidents to occur before getting through it and speeding up to get out of it, only to come upon another curve. So, what do you do when life throws you a curve? Do you worry that you won't get through it or do you rely on God to get you through it? Do you move in and out of the lanes trying to get out of it and avoid the problems that could happen, or do you stay in your lane knowing that you are going to come to the end of the curve? Whatever comes your way in life you need to rely on our Savior to get you through it. You need to know that God can take the curves and no matter what happens, He is going to drive you through it.

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