
Fresh Sheets

I was talking to a friend last night about fresh sheets and how one of my favorite things to do is get into bed at night right after I have put straight from the dryer, fresh, clean, sheets on the bed. That may be a strange thing to some, but to me it is great. The sheets are clean and crisp. I honestly think I sleep better on those nights. I was thinking about what a small blessing that is to me. Something that minor makes me happy to go to sleep.

This made me think about the little blessings that God gives us everyday. Each day God gives us little blessings that are meant just for us. I took those for granted until my friend Andrea said one night in Life Group that she looks for God's gifts each day that are meant for her. I started looking for those gifts from God everyday. Now I see them everywhere. It could be the simplest thing like a sunset, getting in the car and my favorite song is on, finding money randomly. My favorite was when one day I was feeling very "ugly". I was having a bad week and that morning just was not wanting to face the day. I was driving to work and there was a van in the lane next to me. We were stopped at a red light and for some reason I look over and on the driver's window was written "you are beautiful" (I am not kidding - it really said that!). It wasn't facing inside the car towards the driver, but was written on the outside where I could read it. It was meant for me from Him. It was such a random event that God used for me.

What are your little blessings? Is it a special look from someone you love? Is it a hug from a child that loves you? Is it eating a huge piece of chocolate cake with lots of icing and losing 5 pounds doing it? Whatever it may be, keep your eyes open for God's little blessings just for you. Don't get too busy that you miss what God has for you. Thank Him for those blessings and cherish them. Slow down enough to take the time to see the blessings that God has just for you today.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I feel the need for clean sheets- it is not strange at all- just ask Michael about the nights he has had to get out of bed so I can "fix" the sheets... :)