

I find it very funny when people first meet someone and find out they are not married. It is like the judgement has already been passed and they are quickly trying to figure out what is wrong with you as to why you are not married. Being single, I run into this often. I have also had people say to me "I just can't figure out why you aren't married...You are the complete package and an amazing person so I can't figure out why someone hasn't 'snatched' you up already"..... Well, first of all I don't know about being 'snatched'. Sounds to me like you are being taken against your will, but you get the point.

Last week I went to a new church and for the most part it was just like my old one, except I didn't know everyone. Since it was Father's Day, the pastor was talking about what the bible had to say about marriage, men and what a man values as a husband. It was a good sermon, and I am not one to get worked up about sermons like that because I need those if I ever do get married. Well, in the sermon, he made a statistics comment about how there are more single women in the US than there are married women. Saying that there are less and less women getting married, and more and more women that are 'single again'. This honestly had nothing to do with what he was preaching about, and of course there were no statistics given on how many men were single or married (or why they won't commit, or stay committed). It was only about the women. After church I began thinking about this comment and it honesly flew all over me. I usually don't think too much about the comments people make because it is usually out of ignorance, or just simply now knowing what to say. He was saying it like it was our fault that we are not getting married. Well, I have a few words about that. I am an independent woman but still old fashioned in some things. I will not ask a man out on a date. I was not raised that way, and I don't think God intends it that way. I am not out on the prowl trying to find someone who finally completes me.

Don't get me wrong because I would love to be married if it was God's will for me at this time. God created us for one another and not to be alone. So of course it is my nature to want to have a husband. But, my life is not defined by a man. Being married does not all of a sudden make me more of a woman. Period. Whether I am married or single, I belong to God alone. My life is lead by Him and if one day God allows me to meet someone and start a family, my life will still belong to God. My desire is to serve God and if He wants me to do that alone or with a husband, then I leave that up to Him. God is the only one who completes me. I do believe that the man is the head of the household and should be the spiritual leader, and one day God will send me a husband who will lead me spiritually as well and that will be the foundation of our realtionship. Now, this was a hard thing for me to learn. In prior relationships my life revolved around the man I was dating. I would put God on the back burner because I was too busy doing other things in the relationships I was in. Until one day I realized that when those relationships ended, God was the only one who was there for me. I had to hit rock bottom and the only thing I had to cling to was God. God is using me where I am now and will continue to use me for His will. I will continue to pray for my husband that God brings him to me in His time and we will serve God together. So, this week, if you are single, be content where God has you. If you are married, cherish your spouse and tell them you love them every time you talk to them. Life is short and every moment counts.

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