I must say that I have the best friends in the world. I have several different sets of friends and I consider myself very lucky. When I say "sets" of friends I mean that I have a set of friends through Ohio, a set of friends through church, and a set of friends through work. Tonight, I was at dinner with a set of friends for a birthday celebration. (Happy Birthday-LM)
As I was sitting there in the middle of two different conversations, I began to think that most of my friends will never travel in the same circle. They may meet eventually, but more than likely they will never meet. However, being friends, each of them know about each other in one way or another through me. I am the one link that could connect each of these friends together. Through me they could meet people they never would have met, and through them, I could meet a lot more people, if we were open to it. I kept thinking that is what Christ is. He is our one link to eternity if we are open to it.
Having a true friendship means that you get to know someone and keep the relationship going. You have to invest time in the friendship to remain close to that person. If when you meet someone you don't take the time to get to know them and invest the time in keeping the relationship going, then it will never grow. It is the same thing with your relationship with Christ. If you open your heart to Him, accept Him, then never talk to Him again, the relationship will become stagnet. He is still there, but you won't be as close to Him as you should if you were seeking Him everyday. He wants to be our best friend and He is the only friend that will never fail you. He delights in us and takes pleasure in us and we were made for Him.
I want you to think about the friends that are close to you. I often think about my friends and the impact they have had on my life. How thankful I am that God has given me friends that accept me for who I am, love me, pray for me and support me. Thanks to all my friends for being so amazing and I love you!
I know why you have many friends - it is a great gift/blessing to have friends, and you are certainly one that always takes time for others - no matter what is going on. God bless you - he definitely made you special.
You are wise beyond your years...
no..thank YOU for being MY friend. he he :)
I'm blessed each day that I am able to spend time with you or talk to you. I love you, girl.
I just love you and your wise words!!
You write very well.
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