Well, today was a busy day! We went swimming of course and Evan learned how to float. I explained how and he tried it with my help, but he kept sinking. I thought at first that he may be like my dad, and not able to float (yes, my dad can't float - he sinks.) but after he practiced, he got it. He just had to try it himself first. Now he wants to float all the time because he knows he can do it.
After dinner, we went over to Mark's so the boys could play XBox. To me this was not a major thing, but apparently when you have a PS2 and get to play an XBox, it is a big deal. Emma was in the kitchen with Brittany and me while the boys were playing. Oh, and by the way, kids hear and repeat everything just in case some needed to know that...anyway, I was telling Brittany that earlier that day Emma would not dance with me. See, the Jonas Brothers came on T.V (apparently they are a big deal in a kids world) and were singing, so I got up and was dancing all around the living room. Emma wanted no part of it. When Brittany asked her why she wouldn't dance with me her response was " I am not a dancer...I'm going to be a Doctor". Good to know that she isn't going to be a dancer...her parents will be relieved.
Joseph just goes with the flow. He is so sweet but also has his moments. We were in the car, and of course I am joking around with them, and he gives me "the look". You know, the look kids give you when you think you are funny and they think you are a dork. Yes, that is the look I got. I have officially traveled out of the world of being cool, and into the world of being a dork. Not sure when that happens, but it did.
Overall it was a good day. They are very tired though, so bed time is early for this week. I will have to say that I am tired too, but love every minute of it.
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