
JEE Day 5

Every morning we get up and have breakfast together. We hold hands and pray, then as they eat, I read a passage that they have picked from the Bible. Sunday, I read about Love from 1 Corinthians. Monday, Evan picked the book of Titus. Tuesday, Joseph picked Genesis and God making Eve out of Adam's rib. Wednesday, Emma picked Jesus walking on the water and Peter walking out to him. Today they each got to pick something, and the first one was about the 10 Leopers Jesus healed, then Moses parting the Red Sea, and then Jonah and the Fish. Each of these were something special to each of them. They were stories that they knew and that we would refer to often as we were talking throughout the day.

That special time each morning was what I wanted them to remember from this week. I want them to know that God should always be a part of their day and they should read their Bible and pray everyday. It is something that we all can remember and apply to our lives. Without God everyday our life will not be as fulfilled, and we will not get to know Him as intimate as we should. If God is to be our best friend, then spending time with Him everyday is the only way to achieve that.

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