
JEE Day 6

My mom and sister Lori came late Thursday night to spend Friday with us. We had a good day overall. The kids were tired and I think they were ready to go home and get back to their regular schedules. What I realized from this week is that being responsible for kids is a huge job. All week it was up to me to feed them, make sure they brushed their teeth, make sure they were kind to each other, and keep them safe.

I started wondering what they would be like as adults, and tried to remember what I was like as a child. How do we learn who we are and what behavior is appropriate? We learn by experiences. For instance, I don't jump on the furniture. I did when I was little, but I can't remember one time as an adult that I have done that. When the kids were here, I probably told them 100 times not to jump on the furniture. What would it take for them to learn? Getting hurt? Will that make them remember that jumping on furniture is not correct behavior? Or is it just growing up and hearing that they aren't supposed to do that over and over?

I do believe it is a little bit of both. Life experiences are what teach us and make us who we are. I have been hurt a few times in my life. That has taught me and caused me to grow in who I am. Every experience is intended to make us who we are. We may not understand what we are going through at the time, but trusting God through it and waiting to see what He is trying to teach us will make us who God intended us to be.

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